A major U.S. airline.
Presenting Issue/Business Need
The client needed to update their selection system to screen large numbers of candidates efficiently with a valid process to predict good performers. They also wanted to take advantage of online testing. The training of flight attendants is expensive, so they wanted to insure that a high percentage of those selected stay with the company and perform well.
Management Psychology Group partnered with the Employment and In-Flight departments to analyze the Flight Attendant job, recommend/develop appropriate selection instruments, and validate the selection system.
The job analysis revealed that there were several competencies that were critical to performing the job effectively. These competencies fell into three broad areas: Customer Service, Safety, and Physical Abilities. This part of the selection system focused on the customer service and safety competencies.
Several personality and problem solving assessments were included in a validation study of 102 FAs to determine which test combination best predicted good performance. A combination of the eTest personality assessment and vocabulary measure significantly predicted performance. This test battery identified eight personality characteristics, such as discipline, good organizing habits, and ability to conform to rules, as differentiating the strong performers from the poor performers.
The customized assessment was programmed to be administered to candidates over the Internet. Candidates see only the airline logo – MPG is transparent in the process. The test administration process provides a hire/no-hire recommendation immediately after the candidate finishes the test. Candidates who pass are automatically linked to a scheduler to make an appointment for an interview, the next step in the selection process.